From Victim To Victorious: Embracing Tiny Miracles and Mindset Shifts

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📆 Daily Issue 77 | ⏱️ Read time: 2 min

From Victim To Victorious: Embracing Tiny Miracles and Mindset Shifts

I am realizing how often my mind goes to the worst-case scenario.

In so many situations, I assume I will be in the bottom 10% who cannot climb their way out of a challenging situation.

I guess you could call it victim mentality.

But to me, a more accurate description is that I have put all of my faith into doubt, fear, and failure.

Doubt, fear, and failure became my north star. After a certain amount of failure… you can’t help but reorient your life to assume that’s all there is.

Or so I thought.

What I’ve come to realize is that small victories can start to help us reorient our minds to what is possible. Small victories allow us to change our mindset.

What I’ve learned in “A Course In Miracles” is that there is no difference between a small miracle and a large miracle.

Every shift in perception toward love and empowerment is a miracle.

A small change in your self-perception is just as powerful as manifesting $5,000.

Feeling a moment of gratitude is just as powerful as getting your dream job.

Changing your routine to include 2 minutes of self-care is just as powerful as meeting your soulmate.

A miracle is a miracle.

And I’ve learned that we can allow these tiny miracles to unfold and rebuild the muscle of faith in love that we let deteriorate.

We always have faith. Every human on this planet has faith.

Our choice is whether we have faith in love or whether we have faith in fear.

And love is always waiting to guide us back to our authenticity, our souls, and our purpose.

Keep inspiring,
