Unlocking the Dance Between Spirit and Ego: Embracing Change, Love, and Infinite Opportunities

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📆 Daily Issue 82 | ⏱️ Read time: 2 min

Unlocking the Dance Between Spirit and Ego: Embracing Change, Love and Infinite Opportunities

We all have two aspects to ourselves: our spirit and our ego.

Our spirit is the eternal part of ourselves, our true selves, our expansive selves.

And our ego is the part of ourselves that works to keep us safe.

The ego does not want us to do anything involving change. Anything new is unsafe territory: a new job, a new friend, even a new way of thinking.

All of these are CODE RED situations for our ego and must be avoided at all costs.

Our egos have us convinced that past opportunities are the ONLY opportunities that matter… because those are known, therefore they are safe.

Our egos also want to convince us that past opportunities are the only way we could be happy, because if our mind stays on the hampster wheel of regret, we are too distracted to create new opportunities in the future.

There are INFINITE opportunities for health, love, financial abundance, and friendship… and this is terrifying for the ego.

Because even though it's beautiful, it's unknown.

The ego cannot handle ANYTHING which is unknown.

It will choose misery and suffering over joy, simply because we were surviving living in misery and suffering… so our ego uses it as a survival strategy.

So many of us take the fears and thoughts that arise from our egos as fact. We don’t realize these thoughts and fears are coming from our scared inner child.

Our ego does not understand the infinite nature of the universe, that we are all one, and that everything is love.

Understanding this results in death of the ego… which it is so desperately trying to avoid.

When we take time to understand why our ego operates the way it does, we can have a greater understanding of why we make certain decisions, self-sabotage, or continue certain patterns of thinking that are not serving us.

Then, we can move towards a life that lovingly reassures our egos as we pursue a life rooted in adventure, love, and new opportunities.

Keep inspiring,
