The Power of Prayer: One Prayer Changed My Life

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📆 Daily Issue 15 | ⏱️ Read time: 4 min

The Power of Prayer: One Prayer Changed My Life

I fell to my knees and prayed to God, “My dreams are so good for the world. God, why is nothing working out?!”

I was on my knees in desperation. I felt abandoned by God and everyone I loved. But a small part of me still believed.

A small whisper of hope inside me cried out into the darkness one last time.

I prayed out into the void…

Guided by something I couldn’t see.

Guided by something I could barely feel.

Guided by my last shreds of faith.

And then, miraculously, God spoke to me through one epiphany.

I instantly remembered a verse in Glennon Doyle’s first book. At the time, her life was in shambles and she was suffering from lime disease. She was working so hard to be a good wife, mother, and person of faith, and she just didn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel.

God spoke to her and told her to just keep knitting. God told her to trust that He was creating something beautiful.

It would be years before her life truly transformed, but she had to have FAITH in her new beautiful life before she could see it.

We are all helping one another through this life. And in that moment God spoke to me through the words of my hero, Glennon Doyle.

I think about her words every single day, and I have no idea where I would be in life if she had not trusted the process in her own life and continued moving forward in faith.

Deep down I knew in that moment that there were people out in the world who would desperately need my words to guide them home, the way my favorite authors had guided me.

When the dust settled and the power of my prayer finished reverberated through my being. I knew exactly what to do.

I needed to keep going.

I needed to keep inching my way through the darkness.

I needed to be the woman I came here to be.

Like a silhouetted image on a foggy mirror, I could just barely make out glimpses of her.

I knew that every single day I needed to wipe away more of the mist, chip away more at the sculpture, and paint one stroke more of the painting… until I could finally see HER.

Every day I would work harder, pray harder, and love harder… revealing more and more of this mystery woman I came here to be.

The woman who can move mountains.

The woman who can light up and inspire the entire room.

The woman made in God’s image.

I will never forget the Freddy Mercury quote from the movie Bohemian Rhapsody, “I’m going to give the people what they want… a touch of the Heavens”.

I could feel through my entire being after that prayer that this was God’s plan for my life. In my own unique way, I was sent here to give people a touch of the Heavens.

I got up off my knees. And I looked in the mirror at the work in progress before me.

She was nothing like the woman she needed to be. I loathed her. But I steadied myself and looked straight into her eyes without fear or judgment.

I looked into her soul and I told that broken woman what she needed to hear, “you are stronger than you know. We’ll do this together.”

I let a tear run down my face. I felt the overwhelm of holding my humanity and the massive dreams in my heart all in one body.

I felt it all. And then I felt it all again, staring back at the woman who would walk me through this.

Then, just like that, I walked away.

I walked away filled with a sense of faith and purpose so strong that it completely overpowered the doubt and negativity clawing at my ankles.

I didn’t have time for those familiar voices.

I had work to do.

I had lives to change.

And I had a purpose to fulfill.

I knew I was more than the woman who looked back at me in that mirror. And I knew faith would guide me each step of the way as I revealed her to myself and the world.

As I turned my back on her, I took my first step into a future so bright I could barely stand it.

And you better believe I didn’t look back.

Keep inspiring,
