Post 99

☀️ The Nicole Magnusson Newsletter

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📆 Daily Issue 99 | ⏱️ Read time: 3 min

Meeting God Halfway: The Balance Between Faith and Personal Responsibility

God can only bless us as much as we are willing to follow His guidance.

This is a deep realization for someone like me who has avoided personal responsibility for much of my life.

I turn to God for help in so many situations and God always hears me and wants to help me, but lately, I’ve received the message that I need to meet Him halfway.

God wants me to be the person I came here to be, have the blessings He intended for me, and serve in the ways He intends for me to serve. But without me stepping up and doing my part, none of this can happen.

Living a life of service is a fine line. We cannot take too much initiative or accountability, because a life that does not come from God’s guidance will always lead to isolation, loneliness, and discouragement. But a life in which we don’t take any initiative based on God’s guidance is also a life filled with sadness, missed opportunities, and false starts.

God wants us to embody two selves at once: One who is completely reliant on Him for everything, and one who is empowered to do everything on our own. It's counterintuitive to the mind, but we need to embody both these states at once.

It's our ability to be completely dependent on love and completely independent in ourselves that will allow us to shine our brightest.

People usually fall into one of two camps here. They are terrified to lean on God, or they are terrified of taking personal responsibility. But either way, this reality is a scary one.

If God did everything for us, it would rob us of our HUMAN experience. We came here to learn lessons, be messy, and grow.

And if we could do everything without God, there would also be no point to the human experience because there would not be one universal force connecting all of us.

It is this dance between dependence and interdependence, with God and with each other, that keeps this Earthly experience in balance.

Learning to deeply trust ourselves, God, and each other is our life’s work. And finding the God and Creator in ourselves is just as important as finding the God and Creator in Heaven. In fact, God WANTS us to acknowledge the spark of divinity in ourselves. God wants us to take personal responsibility. God wants us to honor Him by releasing our victim consciousness and taking massive action.

Many of us were raised in households where personal empowerment was not encouraged. And we are all definitely part of a society where personal empowerment is discouraged. Fear-based systems operate using mechanisms that force you to feel controlled and small.

But fear is the opposite of love. And God is love. God wants to you feel empowered. God wants you to follow His guidance and take the initiative to put it into action. God wants you to feel expansive. God wants you to feel HELD and FREE.

Keep inspiring,
