Post 118- Sacred Gratitude: The Key to Living a Life of Bliss and Freedom

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📆 Issue 118 | ⏱️ Read time: 2 min

Sacred Gratitude: The Key to Living a Life of Bliss and Freedom

The closer I get to God, the more I realize our ego keeps us from everything we want in this world: joy, peace, and bliss. Everything beautiful in this world comes from God, and everything terrible in this world comes from trying to do life on our own terms without God.


You don’t have to live life controlled by your ego. You don’t have to live life in a constant state of fear, shame and guilt.

You can identify with the Godly part within you instead of your ego. In every single moment, you can choose love over fear. It's a muscle that we slowly build more and more over time until choosing love becomes our automatic reaction.

A lot of us are scared to choose love because we’ve actually become afraid of it. We don’t know how much freedom and joy there is on the other side so we choose to stay “safe” with our egos.

But our egos can’t keep us safe any more than a snake can walk. Snakes simply don’t have that capacity and neither do our egos.

The only thing that is real is the joy of Heaven that is all around us. There is ALWAYS something beautiful we can appreciate in every moment to reconnect us to the Heaven that is within us and around us.

Gratitude is not some mental health practice. It is SACRED because it is reconnecting us with LOVE and love is REALITY. Misery, depression and disconnection are all created by the ego and ARE NOT EVEN REAL.

You don’t have to keep suffering. It's not God’s plan for your life and it was never God’s plan for your life. You were meant to live joyfully, peacefully, and blissfully. And if you are not there now, you will get there.

Trust. Trust. Trust. And never give up. ❤

Keep inspiring,


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