Post 113- Trust Your Timing

☀️ The Nicole Magnusson Newsletter

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📆 Issue 113 | ⏱️ Read time: 2 min

Trust Your Timing

On the path to living our destiny, sometimes, we must take the slower path so that we can remain safe during the process.

This is not always what we want to hear, we want to barrel straight forward towards our goals.

But as the old saying goes, slow and steady wins the race. Moving slowly allows our nervous system to integrate the new changes to our lives and environment and become comfortable with the person we are becoming. It also allows us to enjoy the journey instead of being traumatized by it.

In today’s capitalist, caffeine-fuelled world, going slowly can be viewed as a crime. It can seem that we are not measuring up or that we will miss our boat.

But God created us to fulfill a certain function on this earth that ONLY WE can fulfill.

We can’t mess it up and we can’t miss our boat. Our function on this Earth was specifically designed for us and God would rather we arrive at our destination safely and with love than with tons of battle scars.

On the path to your destiny, don’t be afraid of the parts of the journey that feel like they are moving slowly.

You are right on time.

You never missed anything.

What’s meant for you cannot be taken from you.

Keep dreaming angels.

And as always…

Keep inspiring,
