Post 112: Stop Reliving Yesterday: How to Let Go, Move On, and Shine Like the Star You Are

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📆 Daily Issue 112 | ⏱️ Read time: 2 min

Stop Reliving Yesterday: How to Let Go, Move On, and Shine Like the Star You Are

If you are tired of being a slave to your past, this is your sign that you can stop.

Those thoughts don’t have to define you.

That slight PTSD response that makes you cringe doesn’t have to define you.

Your mistakes don’t have to define you.

You are one in a million. You are a bright shining star. You are a brilliant experiment never to be repeated.

Your past already happened; it's done. By constantly reliving it, you are just re-creating a reality that is ready to be let go.

Your past is ready to reemerge with the cosmos and return to the stars from which it came. Stop desperately clinging to it for a sense of safety, a reason to beat yourself up, or a false reason to feel good.

When we focus on the past, we are actually tapping into our own fear-based thinking. That is why focusing on the past tends to lead to depression. We focus on the past because we are afraid to live in the present. We are afraid to create a new future. We are afraid to be someone we’ve never been before.

There is too much beauty in our future, too much life to live, and too much joy in our hearts to be expressed.

There is so much ahead of you… I can’t wait to see how you shine. ❤

Keep inspiring,
