Post 111- Living on Fire 24/7: The Truth About Passion That No One Talks About

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📆 Daily Issue 111 | ⏱️ Read time: 2 min

Living on Fire 24/7: The Truth About Passion That No One Talks About

In life we are often told to follow our passion in a very specific way. Life coaches generally portray a story in which we all have maybe 3–5 passions or areas where we shine and following these paths will unlock “everything we’re looking for”.

There is always an idea of some “nirvana” on the other side of following your passion, and there is almost an air of superiority with those who have “found their passion.” The self-help world portrays those who have “found their passion” as if they are tapped into a mind-blowing, psychedelic reality that the rest of us measly peasants could only dream of.

I used to feel this way. And I used to feel horrible about myself that I had not turned my passions for writing, acting, or coaching into a career.

But you know what? I’M FORGING A NEW WAY!



I want to live a life in which I feel passionate and on fire for life 24/7… not just 1 hour a day when I’m “following my passion”.

I want to feel passionate about life itself.

I want to feel passion for mundane realities the way a child does.

I want passion to be my normal state.

A couple of years ago I lived with a life coach in San Diego and she told me that she did EVERYTHING with devotion.

She told me about a waitressing job she had 10 years ago to feed her 3 children after leaving an abusive relationship. She had a college degree and it was only a temporary job to put food on the table, but every day she turned up with DEVOTION, going above and beyond to clean every surface and give clients the best possible experience they could have.

Now THAT is so much more inspiring to me than someone who is “following their passion” and gets up on a stage and rocks out in front of thousands of people.

The true secret, that our ego doesn’t want us to know, is that passion is available to us at any time. Passion is available in cleaning. Passion is available in walking our dog. Passion is available in brushing our teeth.

When our number one priority is serving God and serving love, we can find passion in all things. God wants us to see that the Kingdom of Heaven is all around us, not just in “special” activities.

We all have a fire within us, and when we open up to the possibilities, it's amazing how many opportunities there are throughout the day to let that spark grow into a roaring flame.

Keep inspiring,
