Post 109- From Judgment to Awe: The Night I Saw Brilliance in Someone I Had Overlooked

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📆 Daily Issue 109 | ⏱️ Read time: 2 min

From Judgment to Awe: The Night I Saw Brilliance in Someone I Had Overlooked

Yesterday I experienced a miracle.

We were spending time with family friends at a comedy club and I was sitting next to a woman I’ve only spoken to a handful of times.

In the past, when interacting with her, I admittedly had superficial judgments of her and I never thought much of her beyond that.

But last night, something was different.

Instead of looking at her and picking apart her habits or appearance, I was BLINDED by her brilliance. She was hilarious, entertaining, creative, and just simply magnificent.

I truly could not comprehend the work of art in front of me.

It was as if I’d stepped into another timeline where the same woman I’d mentally put down for years was a rockstar.

And it felt AMAZING to see her this way. It was such a relief to acknowledge how incredible she always was.

When we left the comedy show, my brain immediately started judging myself.

“I hadn’t been entertaining enough.”

“Everyone judged me for not drinking.”

“I looked ugly and everyone judged me for it.”

My brain came up with all the reasons why the night had been a failure and why I was a failure. But the more I reflected on it, I decided to step away from those condemning voices.

Instead I chose to focus on the MIRACLE of my change in perception and how that alone made the night a victory.

Lately, instead of focusing on self-improvement, I have tried to reorient my life toward love and forgiveness. I can’t seem to care about much else, so I’ve just surrendered to this new path.

And you know what, last night the fruits of my labor came to fruition in a small way… and it feels INCREDIBLE to acknowledge that!

I believe that every thought or action we take toward love is a step in the right direction and toward our most authentic selves. Choosing love doesn’t necessarily mean we will have success, the perfect relationship, the perfect career, or a sports car. But in choosing love, we will amplify the love we see within ourselves and around ourselves.

We cannot see others in love until we see ourselves in love. And the beauty in this is that I don’t believe it takes a million self-help courses, losing 30 pounds, or having a certain amount of money in the bank to love ourselves. It's a choice we can make at any moment to let in God’s love that is already all around us.

Cheers to choosing love as often as we can and seeing where that leads us and the miracles that unfold along the way!

Keep inspiring,
