Post 103- Purification Seasons: Why Being Alone is Better Than Being Surrounded By Toxicity

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📆 Issue 103 | ⏱️ Read time: 2 min

Purification Seasons: Why Being Alone is Better Than Being Surrounded By Toxicity

Surround yourself with people who truly see your light. Or be alone.

It’s really that simple.

In our life we have a choice whether we want to surround ourselves with people who want to see us fail or people who want to see us thrive. Healed, healthy, whole people will want to see us thrive and hurting people will want to see us fail. Its. that. Simple.

How long are you going to let yourself get treated poorly?

How long are you going to accept the awful energy from people praying on your downfall?

How long are you going to avoid the light?

Who you surround yourself with is EVERYTHING. And in seasons when we don’t have any positive influences, being alone is better than surrounding ourselves with poison.

Imagine your body can ONLY tolerate certain foods. If you don’t have access to those foods, are you going to eat foods that make you sick?

No. You are going to fast.

Sometimes God brings us into seasons when we need to fast, to purify our mind, bodies, hearts and souls. We need to fast from all the garbage we’ve been taking in, including the garbage from toxic people.

This season of purification will be challenging, and it’s not always fun. Like a water fast, there are moments that are energizing, but there are a lot of other times that are exhausting. Everything inside you is telling you to eat something and break the fast, just like everything inside you will be telling you to reach out to past toxic friendships.

Don’t take the bait.

This alone time is more critical than you know. God is working miracles behind the scenes.

There is a reason Jesus fasted for 40 days. That purification process brought him closer to God.

If we are in a season of purification, we can praise God for the opportunity to get closer to Him and for the people aligned with our souls coming in our future.

This is not the end of our story. It’s only a chapter.

If you are in a purification season, I know your heart is weary, but the story isn’t over yet. ❤

Keep inspiring,
