Post 100

☀️ The Nicole Magnusson Newsletter

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📆 Daily Issue 100 | ⏱️ Read time: 2 min

Investing In Your Spirit- The Power of Every Decision

We are investing in ourselves or our decay with every decision we make.

It really is that simple.

Our spirit is a fire and we are either adding fuel or dampening it…

So how do we KNOW which direction we’re moving?

How do we know if the actions we are taking are feeding our spirit and soul-aligned path or deadening us?

An idea, thought, action, or space that is aligned with us will make us sit up straight. It will feel light and alive. We will subconsciously know that its safe to feel expansive and fully absorb that experience by being in a receptive mode.

Ideas, thoughts and actions that are not aligned with our soul will make us slouch over or make us cringe. They will feel heavy and dead- like a ghoule begrudging dragging its way through existence.

It’s not just our career, relationship, and where we live that give us an opportunity to feed our spirit or deaden it- it’s EVERY decision throughout the day.

What coffee shop do we go to?

What thoughts do we choose to entertain?

What media do we consume?

In today’s world, we are constantly bombarded with messages on how to live our best lives. There is an overwhelming abundance of information telling us what to eat, how to live, what the best routine is, etc.

The entire internet is just a massive “How To” post and it's honestly exhausting.

The truth is- you don’t need any of this. And these people, while well-meaning, are often not helping you. You can’t do what works for them. You need to follow YOUR OWN path and listen to YOUR OWN spirit every step of the way.

There is no such thing as good or bad. There is feeding your spirit or destroying your spirit. (***NOT your EGO, but your SPIRIT).

It doesn’t matter how many social media followers someone has, how many lives they have changed, or how healthy they are. They don’t know more than your own Spirit. And putting them and their views on a pedestal will steer you wrong every single time.

Focus on getting quiet. Focus on your relationship with God. Focus on self-trust. And everything will come from there.

In the small decisions, the big decisions, and all of life.

You’ve got this! ;)

Keep inspiring,
