Finding Freedom Beyond Perfection

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📆 Daily Issue 75 | ⏱️ Read time: 2 min

Finding Freedom Beyond Perfection

I don’t like to think about the passage of time.

I like to remain frozen in a period of my life when everything was perfect and I didn’t have as many challenges.

My brain will often travel there.

My own personal time machine.

And even though I can see the passage of time when I look in the mirror, or in the lives of others, there’s a part of me that refuses to believe it.

There’s a part of me that is Peter Pan.

Forever in the glory years.

Forever in the days when life was easy.

Forever in a time before I had to take responsibility.

It's a place I go to in my mind where I made all the right decisions and there were never any consequences to my actions.

It's a place in my mind where the clock isn’t ticking.

It's a place in my mind where I can be free because I am perfect.

And I realized... one day I realized that was the crux of everything.

I only thought I could be free and happy if I was perfect.

I only thought I could be free and happy if life went a very specific way.

I only thought I could be free and happy if I was suspended in time… if I achieved the impossible.

But freedom and happiness are always available in the next moment, in the next choice, in the next thought.

Our culture perpetuates the myth that freedom is on the other side of the impossible to keep us searching, buying, and discontent.

But the truth is, love is freedom. And it's the undercurrent of every moment of existence.

Keep inspiring,
