Embracing God's Perspective: Choosing Love Over Everything

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📆 Daily Issue 68 | ⏱️ Read time: 2 min

Embracing God’s Perspective: Choosing Love Over Everything

It's so tempting for us to go through life viewing ourselves through our projections of what other people think about us.

We can spend an entire lifetime feeling not enough because of the thoughts we think others have about us.

But in reality, these are the thoughts we have about ourselves. In reality, these thoughts are just emanating from old wounds.

So one could say, in reality… these thoughts are not reality because they are distortions.

Recently, I’ve made a conscious choice to see myself through the eyes of God…. unconditionally loving.

I am making a decision to not give much weight to external validation… positive or negative.

I am looking to please God. And because God wants me to be a vessel for love in my own unique way, that’s what I’m doing.

I don’t know what changed within me recently… but something happened and I became violently averse to anything that is not rooted in love.

If I catch even a wif of judgment or shame, I just can’t tolerate it.

I don’t care what I accomplish in this life anymore. I don’t care what people think of me anymore (but I very much care that I treat everyone with love). And I don’t care how the details turn out.

I just want to be a vessel for love. I just want to serve God.

Nothing else feels compelling to me anymore.

It was like a switch just flipped after an oversaturation point of living in so much mental judgment and shame I couldn’t bear to be inside my own mind for another instant.

God is love. And I am viewing myself through the eyes of love for the rest of my life.

I pray I never go back. I pray I never place anything above God ever again.

What a lonely, lonely place to be. At the top, and at the bottom, it always felt just as devasting being away from God.

I’m in a state of disbelief that I ever thought anything mattered more than love.

Luckily, we all of the rest of our lives to live in the truth. Love is accessible to anyone, anywhere- no matter your age, race, social status, or past decisions. ❤

Keep inspiring,
