Embracing Consistency: A Journey of Self-Rediscoery

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📆 Daily Issue 85 | ⏱️ Read time: 1 min

Embracing Consistency: A Journey of Self-Rediscovery

Every time I set a goal or have positive momentum, dread inevitably bubbles to the surface.

There is a part of me that has been self-traumatized again and again and again by my abandonment of myself.

Every time I abandon my goals, my values, and my daily practices, I abandon myself.

No one knows this but me and the scared little part of me desperately longing for a sense of safety.

I don’t want feelings of success to be followed by dread.

I don’t want to lack safety within myself.

I don’t want others to experience me as untrustworthy.

Sometimes the wildest thing you can do is be consistent. Sometimes the wildest thing you can do is show up for yourself. Sometimes the wildest thing you can do is step up to the plate.

I want to be different.

And I want to choose to recommit to my values and daily practices, even though I’ve traumatized myself with abandonment in the past.

Every day is a new chapter and we can show up for ourselves in a new way.

It's never too late to start over.

And the best day to begin is always today.

Keep inspiring,
