You Don't Have Time

☀️ The Nicole Magnusson Newsletter

A fresh hot cup of inspiration delivered straight to your inbox every morning.
📆 Daily Issue 72 | ⏱️ Read time: 2 min

You Don’t Have Time

God put that dream in your heart for a reason. And I’m going to tell you something hard to hear…

It won’t be on the table forever.

God presents us with windows of opportunity for us to claim His gifts.

To be with that person.

To claim that job opportunity.

To follow that dream.

And if we don’t align ourselves with God and jump on it, then it goes away.

Sometimes it feels like our dreams are so inherent to the core of who we are that it's impossible for them not to come to pass.

It feels like they’ll just unfold without us doing anything.

Because how could they NOT unfold, right?

But the truth is, we have free will.

We have the free will to align with God or the free will to align ourselves with our character defects.

We have the free will to jump on opportunities or the free will to let them pass by.

We have the free will to be who God created us to be or the free will to insert our personal desires over God’s desires for us and become someone other than God intended.

God is holding out his hand to pull you toward your destiny, and it won’t stay outstretched forever. Not in the same way at least.

Opportunities will come back around in a different form, but it will be a new opportunity.

So keep this in mind when you are making decisions day-to-day and moment-to-moment about what to do.

Think of the dream God placed in your heart.

And remember you don’t have as much time as you think you have.

Let it fuel you. Let it propel you. Let it inspire you.

Keep inspiring,
