Choosing Your Path

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📆 Daily Issue 32 | ⏱️ Read time: 2 min

Choosing Your Path

Right now in my life journey, I am facing unforeseen obstacles.

Sometimes when the path is already so treacherous, an unforeseen obstacle can be enough to stop you in your tracks and make you want to return home.

When you’re hiking uphill at a nearly vertical incline, the boulder in your way blocking where you were meant to step, becomes more than just a boulder.

It becomes enough to stop you in your tracks.

This moment is critical. And we get to decide in this moment if we pause in our tracks and then continue the climb upwards, or if we stop in our tracks and walk home.

We can take either option and both are always available to us on our life journey.

No one will force us to go up the mountain. It's a choice that we alone get to make. And there is no right or wrong choice.

Sometimes we need to retreat and begin a different climb another day. And sometimes we need to persist.

There is no preordained road we need to walk in this life and the choice is ours alone.

That’s a scary realization to let sink in, but there’s peace and accountability on the other side of it.

Keep inspiring,
