Can I Be Honest With You?

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📆 Daily Issue 80 | ⏱️ Read time: 2 min

Can I Be Honest With You?

We are never-ending expansion.

The truth of our being and the universe is that we are forever growing, learning, adapting, and becoming.

The process never ends.

We can fight it as much as we want. We can hide behind social media, hide in addiction, and even try to hide from expansion by ending our own lives.

But the growth of the universe stops for no man.

In accepting this truth, that there is no escape… we are simultaneously liberated and burdened. With the liberation of this truth comes an immense amount of responsibility.

This knowledge cannot be unknown.

And walking through this life knowing it is impossible to hide requires the most exquisite bravery.

We all must become Superman and Superwoman. And we all can learn to dance in the growth and expansion instead of fighting it.

It's so challenging.

Yet so beautiful.

For years, I’ve longed for the world to stop. I longed for the pain to stop. I longed for the never-ending to-do list to stop. I longed for the exhausting work to stop. I longed for the depression to stop.

And now, I’ve been cracked open. I’ve surrendered to this life and this universe.

My desires as one tiny human out of billions and trillions of humans, animals, and other dimensional beings are irrelevant.

We are all one. And God’s plan is expansion.

And so, with courage, humility, and excitement, we all expand.

Keep inspiring,
