Bark Therapy: How Adopting a Dog Will Solve All of Life's Problems!

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📆 Daily Issue 39 | ⏱️ Read time: 2 min

Bark Therapy: How Adopting a Dog Will Solve All of Life’s Problems!

I’m convinced that the solution always, no matter what, is to adopt a dog.

Don’t want to pay your taxes? Adopt a dog!

Gaining weight? Adopt a dog!

Having an existential crisis about why we’re spinning around this rock? Adopt a dog!

Dogs solve everything. The cuteness of a new dog will distract you from your problem enough hours of the day that you no longer feel like you have a problem.

And if you no longer FEEL like you have a problem, you basically don’t have a problem anymore… right?


Refocusing all of your attention on this little ball of cuteness will not only give you a sense of purpose, but it will also give you a sense of connection. Even in a world with endless issues and problems, if this little ball of cuteness can exist in the same time-space continuum as you, there must be good in the world!

And when we go through life armored with the belief that this world is fundamentally good, everything feels more manageable.

Our problems feel surmountable.

The sun shines brighter.

And the stars twinkle with more effervescence.

You DESERVE to live a life that lights you up. And if your problems are weighing you down so much that you’ve lost sight of the beauty of life, a furry friend might help.

A chewed couch corner is worth bringing back the sparkle in your eyes. ;)

Keep inspiring,
